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Babysun releasefest + Les Severe 11/5 150 150 Monument 031

Babysun releasefest + Les Severe 11/5

Saturday the 11th of May will henceforth be known as the day Babysun and Les Severe destroyed your souls, had you begging for more and blessed you with a show people will be crying about missing for years to come.

Siborg a.k.a Simon will be here to make sure you have a permanent memory of the evening, if so inclined. (That’s a fancy way of saying there will be tattoos available)


Get yer tickets now or forever regret it:

The explosive force known as Babysun is probably Ringön’s most pissed off post-punk band.
It’s distorted, it’s crackling and it’s just full fucking pan until you pass out. In 2024, the band has not only taken their sweaty liveshows to Europe, but also been busy releasing several self-produced singles. All crammed with sickeningly loud blasts of noise.
On May 11, the double single STRANGER//ANIMAL will be released and in connection with this they will come to Monument for a messy release party, to say the least. Expect to feel run over by a self-pitying bulldozer as the band takes their heavy and energetic live set from Ringön – all the way to Ringön.
Les Severe is the name of freedom from boredom in the eyes of itself. What started as a solo recording project has now grown in to a band with a various amount of People. For the most part there are four members who want to make music that does not stick to the clicheys of the phrase ”We want to make music free from clicheys”. It’s mostly an impossible and unobtainable task. But with this in mind, Les Severe allows them to make music that they dare say is open for interpretation. With influences from punk, dancehall, folk, pop, hip hop, drum n bass, experimental etc etc they make music that they think is worth doing.


Horndal & Henrik Palm – double releaseparty 10/5! 150 150 Monument 031

Horndal & Henrik Palm – double releaseparty 10/5!

Horndal & Henrik Palm – double releaseparty at Monument 10/5!

Monument is proud to present a double releaseparty to end all double release parties, as the working class heroes of Horndal and Henrik Palm embark on the main stage Friday, May 10th. Horndal will have ”Head Hammer Man” (the album AND book) out, while Henrik Palms third offering, also releasing in april, is called ”Nerd Icon”. Two acts on their third albums, destroying one stage. Attendance is mandatory!

Horndal Horndal, det aviga metalbandet från den döda bruksorten Horndal är tillbaka. Efter den hyllade och vida omskrivna skivan ”Lake Drinker” kommer nu nästa kapitel.

”Head Hammer Man” är den explosiva men bortglömda historien om Alrik Andersson, en ung fackföreningsledare som stod i händelsernas centrum när den våldsamma Storstrejken kulminerade i Horndal 1909. Upproren ledde till vräkningar av arbetarfamiljer, svält, inkallande av militär med dragna gevär och landet var nära ett inbördeskrig. Alrik räddade arbetarnas liv och jobb, men förlorade sitt eget. Han svartlistades och tvingades i landsflykt. True story. Snabbt insåg bandet att historien inte skulle få plats på 10 låtar, så i samband med skivinspelningarna skrevs en 400 sidor lång bok med samma namn.

Musikaliskt är det ett lika ambitiöst projekt som bokskrivandet och samtliga hörn av skivsamlingen har nu fått influera kompositionerna. Från Pugh Rogefeldt och Janne Loffe Carlsson till Autopsy, Wipers till Judas Priest, Hawkwind till Mercyful Fate, Don Cherry till Voivod. Ett riff lånat från Sparks här, en solo lånat från Jake E Lee där. Blåsarrangemang jämte heroiska stämgitarrer.

Historien må ha glömt Alrik Andersson, men Horndal kommer aldrig att göra det. Albumet och boken ”Head Hammer Man” släpps 5 april 2024. Horndal är: Pontus Levahn, Henrik Levahn, Fredrik Boëthius Fjärem och Daniel Ekeroth.

Henrik Palm ”Henrik Palm släpper i april sin tredje skiva ”Nerd Icon”. Musik för de ljuvligt missanpassade entusiasterna som föredrar dissonans och moll framför dur och Allsång på Skansen-indie. Musik som gjord för att stirra in i sin vägg fylld med Venom- och Brian Eno-posters. Eller med hörlurar med en iskall ensamöl på en brun pub. Eller också live nu i maj med kompisarna i Horndal.”


RINGÖN SWAPMEET: MOTOR-EDITION 16/3 150 150 Monument 031



Ringön Swapmeet is our very own in-house, somewhat recurring; locally focused marketplace!

The idea is simple: we choose a theme or common thread, then invite folks around Ringön and let them set up shop/tables/whatever inside the venue – and then ya’ll come by and buy/eye/trade/admire it all. Bars and kitchen will be stacked, so you’ll be able to make great decisions while walking around the vendors.

First one out is the MOTOR EDITION! Yes, Ringön has got a lot of engines revvin and most of them are either on two wheels, old wheels or custom wheels! There’s a couple of staples from that community around here and on Saturday March 16th those who can will be bringing out their hidden treasures for you to buy. You’ll probably find a gastank you didn’t even know you needed; a perfect helmet to sit next to the helmet you already own or maybe a gearbox that only fits a car you currently don’t have. The options are limitless!

So come on down and make some great deals on Saturday, March 16th, 12.00-16.00. No entrance fee!
(Not based on Ringön but wanna sell some stuff? Send us an email at and let’s talk)

Klubb Honky Tonk – The Return! 150 150 Monument 031

Klubb Honky Tonk – The Return!

The return… of the original Klubb Honky Tonk.

There’s been a lot of rumbling these past months; folks are whispering around the globe: ”country is back.” ”Country is the next big thing”. ”Beyonce is country now”.
We’re not surprised. This here club was brought back from the dead the exact same day as these rumours started floating around. You’re welcome.

The lineup speaks for itself and you are very much welcome to join us as we officially return on SATURDAY, APRIL 27 at our new home Monument. Ringön will never be the same – and Honky Tonk is forever.


Left To Die + Incantation, Toxaemia & Vomitrot 22/8 150 150 Monument 031

Left To Die + Incantation, Toxaemia & Vomitrot 22/8

Torsdag den 22e augusti sveper döden in över Ringön när den absurt tunga kombon av Left To Die och Incantation gästar Monument!
Support för kvällen blir Motalas egna Toxaemia ihop med Vomitrot och vi ser fram emot en brutalt bra kväll ihop med er alla!

Amerikanska Left To Die tar vidare arvet efter ikoniska metal-bandet Death med original medlemmarna Terry Butler (Obituary) och Rick Rozz som tillsammans med Matt Harvey (Gruesome, Exhumed) och Gus Rios (Gruesome) tar vara på Deaths historia. Ikoniska alster som ”Leprosy” och ”Scream Bloody Gore” framförs i bästa Death-tappning och med stor respekt för legendarerna, som de en gång var del utav.


Förra året markerade 30års-kalas för den amerikanska death metal-plutonen Incantation. Bandet är en av de stora pionjärerna inom genren och en av New Yorks frontnamn inom death metal-scen tillsammans med Suffocation, Mortician och Immolation.






Göteborg Extreme Sounds 2024 150 150 Monument 031

Göteborg Extreme Sounds 2024


Extreme Sounds will take on Gothenburg for the first time and fill the city with extreme music and violent noise. Early Bird tickets are SOLD OUT and the complete lineup is here, so you know what to do!

Date: 5th of October 2024
Monument, Gothenburg
Doors: 15:00

Anaal Nathrakh (UK) – Exclusive Sweden show!
General Surgery
The Generals

Merch market, tattoo shop, and more will keep the festival area alive and well during the festival’s opening hours.

In cooperation with Monument, Superlord Recordings, 333 Company & Prins Katts Hantverksöl.