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Heavy Metal

INSTÄLLT! Kontact + Coltre 3/3 150 150 Monument 031

INSTÄLLT! Kontact + Coltre 3/3

”We regret to inform you guys that due to low ticket sales we decided to cancel tonight’s show with @kontact.heavy.metal and We wish them all the best for the rest of the tour”

– The Abyss

Early Moods & Zig Zags + Firebreather 13/6 150 150 Monument 031

Early Moods & Zig Zags + Firebreather 13/6

Calling all easy riders and worshippers of the heavy!

For one night only, the combined forces of Early Moods, Zig Zags AND Firebreather will obliterate the stage at Monument.

These three Riding Easy label mates are each masters in their own right, but combined… well, let’s just say you do not want to miss out!


Artist: Early Moods, Zig Zags & Firebreather
Datum: 13/6
Ålder: 18+
Förköp: 200kr + service (biljetter i dörren kostar alltid 50kr mer av totalpriset)

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