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Rock Ko Fol 18/1

ROCK KO FOL 18/1 Rock Ko Fol is a band that brings a unique combination of rock sound and folk influences, creating an energetic and emotional atmosphere at every performance. With a distinctive sound signature that blends traditional melodies and modern rock arrangements, this band captivates the audience, providing an unforgettable musical experience. Each song […]

The Kind, Wolfschmidt & Lillebror 31/1

Crucial Cadence presenterar: The Kind, Wolfschmidt & Lillebror LIVE på Monument 31/1 The Kind: Med en förening av det organiska och det mekaniska skapar The Kind musik som snabbt pendlar mellan rå aggressivitet och ömsint genuinitet. Det som började som göteborgsfödda Nemo Spardings soloprojekt har med det senaste släppet ”All The Lies In Truth ” […]

Monument 1 Year Anniversary 15/2

MONUMENT 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY 15/2 It's feels like no time at all as well as forever; this first year of existence. It took a LONG TIME to get Monument started, but it was worth every second of blood, sweat and tears (and having to use a bucket for a toilet while building; but dont ask […]

Psychotic Youth 40 Year Anniversary Show 4/4

PSYCHOTIC YOUTH fyller 40 år! Fyrtio år fyllda av konserter världen över, samarbeten med andra band och ett otal album som hyllats i svensk och internationell press för sin patenterade power-pop-surf-punk. Allt detta ska firas stort fredag den 4 april med support och gäster på Monument i Göteborg! Tillsammans med en rad svenska och utländska […]

WHORES. + Help 11/5

WHORES. + HELP 11/5 On a Sunday in May, war comes to town. It comes in the shape of violent, bonecrushing noise. It comes in the shape of WHORES. and HELP. You have been warned. Tickets out now via: — WHORES. Formed in 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, WHORES. has established themselves as one of the […]

The Courettes + support 15/5

Klubb Organiserat Kaos in conspiracy with Klubb Honky Tonk and Monument proudly presents THE COURETTES 15/5! The explosive garage-rock duo known as The Courettes has taken audiences by storm around the world. As innovative heirs to Phil Spector's infamous and beloved "Wall Of Sound", the band has kicked in the door to an international garage-rock […]