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Reaven – For Tomorrow Sweden Tour

Reavens segertåg genom Europa (och Japan) fortsätter! Missa inte när det franska pop- och rockbandet gör sin premiärturné i Sverige! Europeisk media är lyriska: ”A powerful band with albums composed exclusively of Hits, a band that will go far!” /LatestPop (DE magazine) “One of the musical crush of the year for MeloLive, if you don’t […]


DRAUPNER INDUSTRIAL 12/4! Yes ladies and gentlemen, the legendary DRAUPNER will take over Monument on April 12th as they celebrate the release of the quite spectacular 400(!) page book: "DRAUPNER - Svartklubb och kulturförening i 80-talets Göteborg." If the name sounds familiar, you're either a) older than 50 and used to have a great nightlife […]


Ringön Swapmeet is back, this time we focus on INSTRUMENTS & MUSIC EQUIPMENT! Ringön Swapmeet is our very own in-house, somewhat recurring; locally focused marketplace! The idea is simple: we choose a theme or common thread, then invite folks around Ringön and let them set up shop/tables/whatever inside the venue - and then ya’ll come […]

N0LL31 Premiere Night 13/4

N0LL31 is LIVE! We’ve gathered the finest DJs this town has to offer and we’re gonna make sure you all get your ears blessed! We’ve teamed up with the newest venue in town a.k.a Monument to show y’all this hidden gem Gothenburg has to offer, and it doesn’t stop there! We make sure to take […]


LIVE AT RINGÖN is a concert series highlighting all forms of live music, ranging from metal to indie, with the sole purpose of bringing more live music to Ringön and the people around us! Alastor and Orsak:Oslo kick things off proper on Friday April 19th, and as a nice little bonus, every LIVE AT RINGÖN-show […]

CATCH 22! BF/C + Enskild firma

Välkomna på spelning och fest i födelsedagsanda! Kom som du är och fira livet till stans bästa band. BF/C Barish Firatli och Californiaman bildar tillsammans BF/C, en sällsynt duo som skapar tidlös, soulig elektronisk musik doppad i disco och dunkel. Med känsliga, träffsäkra melodier och toner bjuder de in till en dröm att stanna kvar […]

Cocktail Hour #3: Wet City Takeover + DJ’s Susanne Svensson b2b Benjamin Baniassadi

Time for another COCKTAIL HOUR! This time the fine folks over at Wet City Spirits are taking over our container, setting up a fine menu together with Erik - as well as bringing Susanne Svensson and Benjamin Baniassadi along in the DJ-booth. As always: no entrance fee, amazing cocktails, real nice prices and good times!


KLUBB ORGANISERAT KAOS A.K.A KLUBB OK! RISE ABOVE + SODAKILL 26/4! On Friday, April 26th, we welcome the birth of a new club here at Monument. It's called OK, or Organiserat Kaos, whichever you prefer. It's sort of like an inhouse club, but also not - cause technically Kiffe booked the bands and Carl just […]

Klubb Honky Tonk – The Return!

The return... of the original Klubb Honky Tonk. There's been a lot of rumbling these past months; folks are whispering around the globe: "country is back." "Country is the next big thing". "Beyonce is country now". We're not surprised. This here club was brought back from the dead the exact same day as these rumours […]


EMO QUIZ FRIDAY 3/5 :( We had a show cancelled really late for Friday 3/5, and that happens sometimes, no worries - but it’s always weird trying to come up with something to replace it with on short notice. Do you do something similar, or do you go the opposite route? Well, the answer is […]

Wolfschmidt + support 9/5

Thursday the 9th of May is Christ's Ascension Day a.k.a Kristihimmelfärds. It is said that this is the day Jesus left the earth and was taken up to heaven - but we thought we would stay on Ringön and travel in a completely different way when Wolfschmidt takes over the stage at Monument on this […]

Horndal & Henrik Palm – double releaseparty 10/5!

Horndal & Henrik Palm - double releaseparty at Monument 10/5! Monument is proud to present a double releaseparty to end all double release parties, as the working class heroes of Horndal and Henrik Palm embark on the main stage Friday, May 10th. Horndal will have "Head Hammer Man" (the album AND book) out, while Henrik […]